Monday, May 24, 2010

Tirta Empul

Tirta Empul site is one of history is still frequented by tourists. The second
temple is one of the leading tourist objects Gianyar, Bali.Located approximately 40
km north of Denpasar, requiring approximately 1 hour drive from the International

Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali. Located in the district of Gianyar Tampaksiring that have

natural beauty and coolness.

Tirta empul

History of Tirta empul

According to the legend of the society during the reign of Bali said Mayadenawa who

ruled Bali, Mayadenawa ruled by an arbitrary action. This resulted in the gods became

angry and decided to destroy Mayadenawa. Indra Bhatara Mayadenawa sent to fight the

power. At the time of the battle many of the troops who have been killed Mayadenawa

Mayadenawa finally escape. On the way to escape from the pursuit of Lord Indra,

Mayadenawa walk in a way tilt legs to land that does not vibrate and in stampede

Bhatara known by Indra. From this story in place Mayadenawa tilt legs stood a village

called Tampaksiring. Therefore Mayadenawa effort and the troops of Lord Indra face

overwhelmed eventually he made the water toxic. Water that is drunk by the soldiers,

soldiers of Lord Indra who made a limp all of Lord Indra. And finally take a flag of

Lord Indra yellow and drove it to the ground,steaming clear water out so the place is

named Tirta Empul.


According to the Hindu community in Bali, Tirta or purified water can provide relief,

and clean all the dirt both outer and inner dirt, or by the people of Bali called

pengleburan in scale and timeless. Tirta Empul is also one of the main tirta used in

every religious existence of Hindu ceremonies in Bali.


Tirta empul Located at the curb Tampaksiring-Bangli, transportation access is very easy to reach.

west of this Tirta Empul  , President Sukarno established a presidential palace

called the Palace of the President Tampaksiring.