Thursday, June 24, 2010

Honeymoons Bali

Holiday and Honeymoons Bali is a romantic
Bali is a romantic tropical island, an idyllic honeymoon destination. You'll find gentle people, a fascinating culture and unspoilt natural attractions ... and luxurious facilities, service and entertainment.
You can go to Bali for honeymoon. A honeymoons bali is the beginning of a lifelong commitment of love and trust. Begin this journey in a villa in Bali and create the cherished memories that will last forever.
Honeymoon in Balinese villa is a fantastic choice for honeymooner. Honeymooners choosing to stay in a villa in Bali will appreciate the sheer luxury of doing whatever and whenever, be it spending lazy hours by the pool, cuddling up with some good books on a day bed or savouring an in-house spa treatment. Honeymoon couple are invariably left to their own devices and discreet staff will make prearranged times to serve breakfast and clean the villa.
Why villa? The villas are inspired by passion for traditional ancient Indonesian architecture and decoration. The thatched roof villas, with traditional wooden doors and windows located amidst lush Balinese garden, alongside the natural river and across the paddy fields sensitively integrates with the natural settings. Lavishly furnished spacious portico equipped with comfortable mattresses and cushions which can double up as your outdoor bedroom, if you wish to get a step closer to nature without leaving the comfort of your villa. However, there are many great hotels also provide romantic honeymoon room for you.

Pendet Bali

Pendet Bali initially exhibited a lot of dance in temples, places of worship for Hindus people in Bali, Indonesia. This dance symbolizes the welcoming of the gods fall into the natural world. Gradually, as the development of times, changing Pendet Balinese artists to "welcome", although still containing elements of the sacred-religious. Creator / choreographer of this dance is a modern form of I Wayan Rindi (? - 1967).

Pendet bali is a declaration of a gift in the form of ceremonial dances. Unlike dances performances that require intensive training, Pendet be danced by all people, pemangkus men and women, adults and girls.

Pendet bali is taught simply by following the movement and rarely performed in the row-row. The young girls follow the movements of more senior women who understand their responsibilities in providing a good example.

This daughter has a dance movement pattern that is more dynamic than Rejang Dance that was delivered in groups or pairs. Usually appear after the Rejang Dance in the courtyard of temples and generally facing the direction of the sacred (pelinggih) with ceremonial dress, and each dancer brings sangku, jars, bowls, and accessories of other offerings.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Janger Bali

Janger Bali is the kind of social dance (social dance), especially for young people who are very popular in Bali, carried by about 12 people male and female dancers. During the dance lasted a group of dancers women (janger) and the group of male dancers (kecak) dancing and singing each other replication, which generally track the song is happy in accordance with the nature of their lives.

The emergence of dance in Bali estimated Janger century xx, is the development of dance Sangyang. If kecak an outgrowth of the choir of women. The plays are usually performed in jangger include: Arjuna Wiwaha, Sundanese etc. Dance janger can be found almost all of Bali's just the areas each have their own variations in accordance with local tastes. At the Tabanan area, equipped with a performance of dance Janger war (one dressed like a Dutch army generals with motion movement improvisation, sometimes give the command to the dancers and kecak Janger).

Metra Village Bangli Janger that there are dance performances at the dancers kerawuhan, there Badung Sibang Village Janger dance bali accompanied by the local community Kebyar by Gambelan named Gong Janger

Some sekaa janger which is still active ie: Janger bali Kedaton Denpasar, Janger Peliatan gambelan now commonly used to accompany dance called Janger Cancel (Tetamburan) equipped with a Gender Wayang.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bali Kecak

cak .. cak ... cak ... cak ... it is a piece of the song of the Kecak dancers. A very interesting who dances with hundreds of people dancing and singing tone song unique and regular.

Bali Kecak dance which is often called "The Monkey Dance" for the tourists in the form of dance drama is relatively new but has become a very popular show / famous and has become a must watch show for both domestic and overseas tourists.
Kecak dance scenes have been promoted in several poscard, tourist guide and others.

Kecak is the name is a name that is directly taken after the vote "smack, smack" in saying that constantly throughout the show. There are some who explain that the word or sound "cak" actually has a meaning that is very important and significant in the show.

Development of Bali Kecak Dance

Kecak Dance in Bali has continued to experience the changes and developments since the 1970s. Developments can be seen is in terms of story and staging. In terms of story for the gig is not only based at one part of the Ramayana, but also other parts of the story from the Ramayana.

Then in terms of staging are also beginning to experience the development of not only found in one place like the village of Bona, Gianyar but also other villages in Bali started to develop dance across Bali kecak thus there are tens kecak group whose members are usually the members of the group. Activities Kecak dance events such as festivals are often held in Bali either by government or by the school of art in Bali. And the majority of dancers who have performed in dance kecak recorded in 1979 which involved 500 men dancers. At that time kecak performed by taking the story from the Mahabharata. But this record is broken by the Government which organizes kecak Tabanan colossal with 5000 dancers on September 29, 2006, at Tanah Lot, Tabanan, Bali.

Origin kecak dance

Bali Kecak Dance is the creation of a famous dancer in Bali, I Wayan Limbak, and a German painter, Walter Spies, the 1930s. Initially, the two artists were fascinated by the ritual dance that the dancers danced Sanghyang in spirit conceded conditions (trance). Sanghyang ritual itself is a Balinese ritual originating from the pre-Hindu traditions in order to resist the plague. This ritual was later adopted by I Wayan Limbak and Walter Spies became a performing arts to the public for display in various countries in Europe under the Kecak Dance.

Bali Kecak Dance is played by a number of dancers (mostly men), between 50 to 150 people, with a duration between 45-60 minutes. This dance the dancers compose vocal instrument (a Cappella) with a resounding "cak, cak, cak ..." as he raised both arms to accompany the epic story Ramayana, which became the main story in this dance. Therefore the spoken chorus dancers are considered similar to a monkey sound, then the foreign tourists often call this dance as "Monkey Dance".
Fragment of the Ramayana epic, the source of the story is the story of the abduction of Sinta Dewi (Rama's wife) by King Ravana from the land of Lanka. In this dance described how Rama fought to free her lover, Dewi Sinta, who was kidnapped and taken blurred by Ravana. This story is getting exciting because of the struggle of the Rama assisted by Hanuman (the White Apes) and Sugriva. In addition to enacting the epic story Ramayana, the Kecak Dance Dance Sanghyang also display Dedari and Sanghyang Jaran as closing the show.


Unlike other types of performing arts in Bali, Kecak Dance is unique because it does not rely on musical instrument to accompany the dance, but a chorus of dancers. The rhythm of sound "cak, cak, cak ..." arranged in such a manner, resulting in a very harmonious chorus, interspersed with a few accents and other utterances. The dancers who rang the sound "cak, cak, cak ..." are usually bare-chested and wearing only a plaid cloth, such as chess boards around their waists. While the figures of Rama, Sinta, Ravana, Hanuman, as well as general wear Sugriwa on ketoprak play.

In this dance, the rhythm of the sounds uttered by the dancers enough for spectators to bring a mystical aura. Especially after the Ramayana story in this dance is complete staged, joined by dance performances and Sanghyang Dedari Jaran conceded believed that the spirits of the dancers, so numb when dancing on the fire.

The dance is a dance Sanghyang Dedari to expel evil spirits, which was staged by two girls who were virgins. While Sanghyang Jaran is a dance performed by men who possessed pranced like a horse's behavior and dancing on the fire. Because the hallmark of this Jaran Sanghyang Dance, Bali Kecak Dance is also known as the Kecak and Fire Dance (Kecak and Fire Dance). This final performance bonuses that could invite a kind of click amazed the audience. After the show, spectators are also welcome to take pictures with the dancers.

Barong Dance

Barong Dance is one of Balinese dance which is a pre-Hindu culture apart heritage Sangyang is dance Barong dance. The word comes from the word bahruang barong which means the animal bears, an animal is a mythology that has supernatural powers, is regarded as a protector of animals.

In its development, then barong in Bali is not only embodied in the four-legged animals but there is also a two-footed, as for the types available in Bali barong, namely:

A. Barong ket (ketet) barong is the most widely found in Bali and the most often performed and has a vocabulary of dance movements .Barong ketet a mix between a lion, tiger, cow, or bona.
Barong body is decorated with carving carving is made from leather, glass and feathers attached that are made from braksok, palm fiber or all of crow feathers.
In this barong carried by two (two) dancers called the interpreter or interpreters bapang saluk. This play is generally describes the battle between virtues and vices, where the theme is almost always the basis of the performing arts play in the play Bali.Gambelan to accompany the barong dance is a barreled gambelan bebarongan pelog. In some places there are also accompanied by gambelan pegulingan Semar.

B. Barong Bangkal means big pig that old age, it resembles a barong bangkal called boar or barong bangkung. Gambelan for accompaniment is gambelan batel, in his plays are rarely accompanied by a play and staging bangkal barong is usually by ngelawang (staging) of one place elsewhere) and there is also just mafajar or carried around.

C. Asu barong mask resembles a dog, especially, is very sacred and Dawa are at the top of the temple of Tabanan Baturiti

D. Barongs that resembles the elephant is an elephant, a very sacred and one of them being located in the Village Singapadu.

E. Barongs Macan it resembles a tiger, in his plays danced by two dancers and there is also equipped with a sort dramatari Arja, a dipai gambelan accompaniment is gambelan batel.

F. Landung barong, barong is different from the already mentioned diaatas. Barong Landung his form was not an animal but the legs of two early humans. In general, Landung barong was made in pairs, consisting of the queen Lanang (Barong Landung male) and Queen Luh (Barong Landung women). Barong is called so because of its large and high (like ondel-ondel Jakarta). Queen Lanang very scary face, black face with her teeth out while the Queen Luh jump the form of an old woman like chinese women.

In some places in Bali Barong Landung there is also equipped with other types of barong Landung like Mantri, Baluh, Limbur and others. In this Landung barong plays take the play as play Arja (especially in Badung Area) and accompanied by gambelan batel.

G. Barong Blasblasan, is also called the barong kedingkling, barong blasblasan is a form of staging that done ngelawang, dancers wear masks just masks wayang wong play footage with excerpts from the Ramayana which generally is the battle scene. Barong is performed on the day of many days Galungan and Kuningan and the dancers are children usually have a retinue child.Gambelan batel and some sort of bebarongan (Gambelan batel equipped with reyong).

Besides the types mentioned above barong, there are also the kinds of barong barong other brutuk Trunyan contained in (a small village east edge of Lake Batur). Barong is wearing fur that has been dried banana leaves (Kraras massacre) and very sacred by the community Trunyanese. Barong (a kind of barong Landung are numerous in the region of Tabanan is usually displayed at the ceremony Ngaben.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Balinese Dancing

Art for Balinese Dancing can not be separated. Balinese dances such as Legong, Janger, Line, Kecak, is the sacred dance and the boom experienced in the Balinese dance 1930.For can not be separated from any religious activity, but assuming this does not mean everyone can dance in Bali. There are indeed born to have this talent, usually the mother or father and grandfather used to be a dancer.

Balinese Dancing often said by experts that the art cultural arts and culture tend to be created as a gift to the great creator colored with a high sense of devotion towards the art. If a traditional art can generate or emit vibrations Taksu attraction then it can be understood because when driven by a desire to create works that offer good, far from the mind ego copyright and selling value.

Works of art and culture at first appear as a liability that should be carried out by certain professional groups in an effort to offer the perfect devotion to God through religious activities. Dance and musical expression of happiness was created to reveal the decline of the Gods while welcoming ceremony at Temple, which was translated in fine art paintings and sculptures always appear in various completeness sajen as a medium to connect the spiritual communication while carol singing and the puja echoed to express praise for the welfare of the delegated by the gods.

Balinese society, in addition to arts actor, is also an art lover who is very passionate in art. In theater arts, various play that underlies the creation of art are well packed so easily enjoyed and listened to fill their thinking insights. The leaders of the past were quick to see the art activity as an effective media to convey messages to the people. Inevitably thriving literary arts provide a clear direction to the other branches of art. Therefore, almost in all branches of art, then there is clearly division between sacred to the profane arts, and arts to the performing arts offerings.

Balinese dance is arts and culture, from the days of history, has become an integral part of the everyday people of Bali. When the time of the power of kings is very strong, different branches of arts and culture is king and the royal family kelangenan. When patterns of governance and more stable life for people in Bali on the basis of Hindu philosophy, the art of Balinese culture was shifted toward art offerings.

In Balinese daily in various formats, continues to mark the era of cultural arts.
Not deny in the end, art for damping and the Balinese culture is able keep growing in a variety of turbulent era. At once the Dutch colonial era, the art of Balinese dancing continued to grow following the era. Architecture, art, dance, musical and various other branches of art as not spared by the war Puputan in Badung, Klungkung and Tabanan District Margarana.

Architecture Art Bali receive friendly with outside influences aesthetics. Bale Maskerdan in Puri Karangasem, Wolanda Patra, Patra, Gina, and Kuta Patra Egyptian are forms of external ornaments which are absorbed by the undagi sweet. Dance, musical and visual arts uleh known even outside world during the dark days of Dutch colonialism in Bali.

When contact with a foreign nation entered the era of tourism in Bali in mid-1960 decade, slowly but surely a variety of entertainment facilities for tourists start showing interest tourism. Balinese dancing and culture in the redesign was developed and again for the sake of tourism. Packaging the performing arts (dance and musical), no longer refers to the message and story to deliver the shift in packaging but against the clock.

Dance in Bali closely associated with religious processions. Even reliable grip that dance is as old age by determining the order of the Hindu religion. Ciwa deity believed by Hindus as the Sang Hyang Tunggal also portrayed as. "The God of Dance" with a degree Ciwa Nataraja dancing in the attitude which is defined as the movement when filling power created the universe.

At first, the balinese dances are occupied by the pragina (dancer) is a kind of sacred dance as part 
integral  with ceremonies and processions  performance only when the religious ceremony held at Temple. Further growth is also kind of dance that is a complement of a religious procession, and even further developed into a medium of public communication as well as an entertainment center.

Of the types and functions; art of dance in musical arts follows a broad sense (gamelan) who escorted the three groups can be disaggregated. namely:

Dance Master (Religious)
The following is a type of dance performed in connection with the musicians who performed a religious ceremony at a temple. Dance Guardians / sacral is generally performed in the middle of the page Pura (Bowel / Purian) and will not be performed on other occasions. Tools  dance clothing, masks or barong also very sacred by the citizens of Senta penyungsung stored in a temple so that the required existence of a special ceremony when it was taken from its storage place, when danced well in the store back in place.

One example is The Mask Dance Mask Sang Hyang Hyang or existing in Ketewel Village, Gianyar. Masks depicting this woman's face mask making at nicknamed Widyadari. Balinese dance is performed only once every six months by her children during a ceremony at the Buddhist Wage Pagerwesi. In contrast to the masks in general in Bali use a strap in the head during use, mask use canggem Sang Hyang as a drag to be bitten by the dancers have to use a piece of cloth in the hands of his right to help improve the position of the mask while dancing if required.
If Mask Sang Hyang Dance danced by the kids (not menstruating), at Temple Gianyar Samuan Three-time Bedulu held ceremonies are always held dance or dance Rejang sutri who danced by the Sutri, ie women who have elderly parents who no longer periods (monopouse). From the two examples above illustrated that not only requires a sacred dance and devices that holy place but also the dancers.

Bebali dance (ceremonial)
Bebali dance is a type of dance performance which was also held at a religious ceremony and dance Bebali generally performed with a story relating to the implementation of the ceremony. Pajegan Mask Dance, Mask Panca, dance Dance Drama and Puppet for example, is a type of dance Bebali most often performed. As an accompaniment of a ceremonies. Dance Bebali usually staged in the Middle Jaba which constitutes the space between the outer courtyard (Jaba Side) with the main page (Offal) of a temple.

Balih-balihan Dance (performance)
Art-balihan Balih an outgrowth of Mayor and Bebali art intended as a means of entertainment with plays and dance and drum creations are more free. Often this type of wear balihan Balih-play-plays that were popular in the community when it opens an opportunity for the entry of emotion into the performance the audience is part of the same importance to the dancer and drummer in the so-called wewalen. Similarly, dance, gamelan music was sacred to the profane have levels that determine their function in the play.

Gambuh Dance

Gambuh Dance is a dance that is considered the highest quality and is a classic Balinese dance most rich in dance movements that are considered as the source of all types of classical dance of Bali.

gambuh dance

At first, theater arts palace total Gambuh is due first Balinese nobility. At Dalem Waturenggong heyday in the 16th century, performing arts, gambuh dance is a favorite of the whole spectacle of the palace and the public. Once the high prestige this art to almost every palace in Bali when it has a special place for laid-called pagambuhan bale.
Prominent dance artists were recruited to become an artist's palace and given a respectable social status.

But along with the erosion of the era of feudalism were also eroded the presence of the performing arts are thought to have emerged in Bali on this 10th century, which is based on the story Panji.Gambuh Dance shaped total theater because in it there is interwoven elements of sound art, drama & dance art , fine arts, literary arts, and others. Now almost no former center of the kingdom which still has a bale pagambuhan. The artists that are embodied in a special wrestle sekaa dance theater any more recent shrinkage. Performance art is even already in the category of rare art. Plays just might get caught in a large-scale ceremonies, like the temple ceremony Yadnya gods, such as marriage ceremonies Yadnya Manusa noble family, the ceremony Yadnya Pitra (Ngaben) and others.

Entering the era of independence dance performing arts are switching functions of the art performing arts palace became a religious ritual. Dance performances in addition to be understood as an aesthetic presentation but also the completeness of these important religious ceremonies. In an atmosphere of communal and religious atmosphere, young and old generations of participants religious ceremony was witnessed theatrical tradition that is very rarely performed.

Accompanied by gamelan Penggambuhan who barreled pelog Saih Pitu. The usual figures shown are Lean, ballooning, ballooning, Princess, Arya / Kadean-kadean, Panji (Patih Manis), Prabangsa (Patih Hardware), Demat, Tomonggong, Turas, Panasar and King. In the play these characters all the dancers in dialogue, generally Kawi language, except for figures Turas, and Lean-speaking Panasar Bali, both fine, medium and coarse.

Gambuh Dance that are still active until now found in the village:

* Rock (Gianyar)
* Padang Aji and Budakeling (Karangasem)
* Tumbak Bayuh (Badung)
* Pedungan (Denpasar)
* Apit Yeh (Cathay)
* Anturan and Dragon Sepeha (Buleleng).

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Backpacker in Bali

Bali is a friendly island, so if you’re visiting Bali, you don’t have to think about “expensive”. Many Backpacker In Bali can enjoy a long holiday in Bali, sometimes longer than a week. They know how to find a low-budget place to stay, low-budget food, and even low budget transportation to enjoy, such as bicycles and motorbikes. Some hotels — and even some people rent some of their rooms for low budget tourists.

If you’re renting someone’s room for a stay, congratulations — you’re in a home stay program. You can find these locations all over Bali; from towns to villages. These people are used to receive backpacker in bali even though they sometimes can’t speak in English fluently. But they Justify Fullknow your currency, especially dollars, so don’t worry about payment. If you got some extra cash, you can pick your hotel, from the lowest — I mean lowest — budget to the luxurious five stars hotels. You can even choose the classy and elegant boutique hotels. They are unique to other kinds of hotels, with not many rooms, but real exclusive. You can find these hotels all over Bali. Budget holiday in style? Yes, why not?

Some favorite locations for backpacker in bali are Bukit Jambul, Besakih Temple, Gunung Agung mountain, Seminyak, Tirta Gangga, Kuta, Nusa Dua, Sanur, Ubud, Lovina beach, Candi Dasa, Tanah Lot, Bedugul, and lots more. Souvenirs are also abundant throughout Bali, mostly traditional handiwork. Expect to find a wide variety of goods, from traditional clothing to wood carving and even kites. No matter what you do in Bali, remember to stay cool and relax. The Balinese people are known to have a rather laid-back personality, but can offer world class service. The Balinese people are exposed to many kinds of cultures from the outside world, and the many cultures actually interact well with the Balinese culture. But their culture remains unchanged, and it still exists in harmony with other cultures.

No matter what you choose, just relax. Bali, as a tropical island, only has two kinds of season, the dry season and the rain season. Even when it’s raining, you can still feel the warm sun or see the sun sets and rises in several spots. Feeling like surfing? No problem. Bali is the heaven of surfing and seafood. Kuta has been the main choice for world class surfers visiting Bali.So you can backpacker in bali for all.

The Jimbaran beach near Kuta offers a wide variety of local and international food, mainly seafood. Remember to enjoy a beautiful dinner at Jimbaran beach, especially with your spouse, friends, or lover. It’s unforgettable.

You can travel to Bali by land, sea, and air. Just call your travel agent, so you will get more

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tanah Lot In Bali

Tanah Lot In Bali. Here are two temples are situated on a large rock. One is located on top of a boulder and was located on top of a cliff similar to the Uluwatu Temple. Tanah Lot temple is part of Dang Goda. Pura Tanah Lot sea temple is a place of worship the gods of the sea guards.


According to legend, this temple was built by a Brahmin who wander from Java. He is a successful Nirartha strengthens the belief of the Balinese Hindu's teaching and building a Sad Goda is on the 16th century. At that time the ruler of Tanah Lot, Bendesa Beraben, jealous of him because his followers began to leave and follow Nirartha. Bendesa Beraben Nirartha ordered to leave the Tanah Lot In Bali. She undertakes, and before he left the Tanah Lot with its power to move the boulder to the center of the beach (not into the sea) and built temples there. He also changed the shawl into a snake temple guards. This snake is still there today and scientifically snakes including sea snakes that have a characteristic flat tail like a fish, striped black and yellow and has three times more powerful toxins from cobra snake. End of Bendesa Beraban legend has it that 'finally' a follower Nirartha.

Location Tanah Lot

Lot tourism object is located in the village land Beraban Kediri Tabanan District, about 13 km west of Tabanan. Pura Tanah Lot on the north side there is a temple located on top of the cliff that jutted into the sea. This cliff temple connect with the land and shaped like a bridge (arch). Tanah Lot, famous as a beautiful place to watch the sunset, tourists usually crowded in the afternoon to see the beauty of the sunset here.


From the parking lot to the temple area met many art shops and food stalls or just a tavern. Also available is a clean toilet that the rent is cheap enough for even domestic tourists pockets.

Temple ceremony or feast day in this temple is celebrated every 210 days, the same as pretending to be another. The fall close to the celebration of Galungan and Kuningan is precisely on Holy Days cemeng Langkir Buda. At that time, people who pray will pray at Temple is crowded.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ubud Indonesia

Ubud is known as the location of foreign tourists is located between the fields and

forests located between the cliff of the mountain that makes nature so beautiful. In

addition Ubud is known for arts and culture that develops very rapidly and move

forward. Ubud Indonesia pulse of community life can not be separated from the arts.


Here there are also many art galleries, and arenas of music and dance performances are held

alternately every night in all corners of the village.

Already since the 1930s, Ubud indonesia popular among western tourists. At that time the German

painter, Walter Spies and Dutch painter, Rudolf Bonnet settled there. They were

assisted by Cokorda Gede Agung Sukawati, from the Puri Agung Ubud. Now their work can

be seen at the Museum Puri Ubud Painting.

Tourist area

Ubud indonesia has a very diverse area of tourism, from tourist to tourist wana spread in Ubud

area, include the following:

Museums and Rudana Rudana Fine Art Gallery

Museum Rudana an art museum which is located in Ubud Bali-Indonesia founded by Nyoman Rudana,a collector of paintings which also sits as a member of the Regional Representatives

Council (DPD), representing the province of Bali in 2009 and 2004 period was

inaugurated by President Soeharto on December 26, 1995. The museum holds more than

400 paintings and sculpture works by artists, both from Bali, Indonesia outside Bali,

artists and foreign artists that make Bali as a place to work. Being in a complex,

stand Rudana Fine Art Gallery, founded in 1978 and was the forerunner to the

establishment of the Museum Rudana.

Museum Puri Paintings

Is a first art museum, which is managed by the private sector, in Bali. Initiated by

Cokorda Gede Agung Sukawati, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad as well as foreign artists who

settled in Ubud, Rudolf Bonnet. Standing on January 31, 1956 under the auspices of

the Foundation Ratna Warta, and officially opened by Minister of Education and

Culture, Muhammad Yamin.

In this museum you can enjoy art development in Ubud Indonesia, either painting or sculpture.

Some works of foreign artists who work in Ubud such as: Rudolf Bonnet, Walter Spies,

Arie Smit and the local maestros like I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, I Gusti Made Deblog, Ida

Bagus Made and others. This also includes works of art during the Pita Maha.

Puri Agung Ubud

Puri Agung Ubud is located right in the heart of Ubud. Ubud Kingdom central

government in the past, as well as a center for arts and culture and traditional

activities, held in right in front of the castle. Ubud Indonesia is still has a layout and

buildings maintained as the original. On the front page, after the gate, there is an

area called the shelf Saji. Here are held once a week performing arts of dance, for

tourists. And every day, carried out the exercise of gamelan music from various arts

groups existing in Ubud Bali. All activities are more and thicken the atmosphere of Ubud

art as an art-minded village.

Monkey Forest

Monkey Forest is a forest area located in Ubud area, precisely into the traditional

rural areas Padangtegal. In this forest there is a flock of hundreds of monkeys, who

have inhabited this region for hundreds of years. In this area there are also

Padangtegal Pura Dalem, which was founded in the early 20th century. MPura has the

architecture and ornaments of ancient and highly artistic.


In the western area of Ubud, there Ayung river. In this river many tourist

activities, among which is the white water rafting and kayaking. There are several

tourist services that offer this service. In addition to tourist, along the cliffs
Ayung river also has an enchanting natural scenery, and there are dozens of hotels.

Bali Uluwatu

 Bali Uluwatu temple is one of the temples in Bali with the location is very beautiful. The main attraction for tourists from this temple is a view of the spectacular. Located in the northwest, such temple is perched on the tip of a very high rock cliffs and steep, with views of the sea under clear blue color and blow-wave which produces froth of white foam which is very beautiful.

 Uluwatu temple

According to history, a Hindu priest from Java named professor Kuturan is the man who first built the temple in this place. Then forwarded by colleagues who later also built the temple of Tanah Lot is also famous for its sunset, which is very beautiful.

Uluwatu is the name of the temple's original name. Ulu said means head or tip, while watu means stone. Therefore, what is meant Uluwatu temple is built on a rock edge. Bali Uluwatu Temple is accessible by car, but the heart - my heart because even though it was paved, steep road. In addition to the right and left buildings in the complex of bali Uluwatu, there are two stone troughs, which looks similar to the boat. When both are combined then the form is similar to the casket sarcophagus cultural outcomes of Megalithic tradition. Here lies the archaeological remains from the 16th century temple, arch or shortly winged. Archaeological remains winged arch is very rare, rare find.

To be able to enter into this temple visitors must wear a sarong and a sash that can be rented that place. The best time to visit is late afternoon Uluwatu temple at sunset so they can witness the spectacular scenery.

around the temple complex there are a bunch of monkeys. The monkeys are usually likes bothered to take all kinds of things that brought visitors. Goods that have been the target they are sunglasses, bags, whatever dompetatau easily captured. So be careful with them whenever they are visiting Bali Uluwatu temple complex.

Garuda Wisnu Bali

The statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) or Garuda Wisnu Bali is located on Jimbaran hill ungasan naughty. approximately 40km south of Denpasar. This cultural park in the area stands a giant statue of the god Vishnu (the god guardian) who was riding an eagle.

This statue is the work of renowned sculptor nyoman nuarta.Area first Bali GWK Cultural Park located at an altitude of 146 meters above the ground surface or 263 feet above sea surface.

People can be seen in the story of Garuda Garuda & his Kingdom which tells about an act of devotion and sacrifice of the Garuda bird to save his mother from slavery that eventually Wisnu.

Statue garuda wisnu protected by the god is made from a mixture of copper and steel weighing 4,000 tons, with a high sekitar146 meters wide and 66 meters very tall and big. This statue has not been completed and if completed it will be the largest statue in the world and defeat the statue Lyberty.

Tirta Empul

Tirta Empul site is one of history is still frequented by tourists. The second
temple is one of the leading tourist objects Gianyar, Bali.Located approximately 40
km north of Denpasar, requiring approximately 1 hour drive from the International

Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali. Located in the district of Gianyar Tampaksiring that have

natural beauty and coolness.

Tirta empul

History of Tirta empul

According to the legend of the society during the reign of Bali said Mayadenawa who

ruled Bali, Mayadenawa ruled by an arbitrary action. This resulted in the gods became

angry and decided to destroy Mayadenawa. Indra Bhatara Mayadenawa sent to fight the

power. At the time of the battle many of the troops who have been killed Mayadenawa

Mayadenawa finally escape. On the way to escape from the pursuit of Lord Indra,

Mayadenawa walk in a way tilt legs to land that does not vibrate and in stampede

Bhatara known by Indra. From this story in place Mayadenawa tilt legs stood a village

called Tampaksiring. Therefore Mayadenawa effort and the troops of Lord Indra face

overwhelmed eventually he made the water toxic. Water that is drunk by the soldiers,

soldiers of Lord Indra who made a limp all of Lord Indra. And finally take a flag of

Lord Indra yellow and drove it to the ground,steaming clear water out so the place is

named Tirta Empul.


According to the Hindu community in Bali, Tirta or purified water can provide relief,

and clean all the dirt both outer and inner dirt, or by the people of Bali called

pengleburan in scale and timeless. Tirta Empul is also one of the main tirta used in

every religious existence of Hindu ceremonies in Bali.


Tirta empul Located at the curb Tampaksiring-Bangli, transportation access is very easy to reach.

west of this Tirta Empul  , President Sukarno established a presidential palace

called the Palace of the President Tampaksiring.

Rafting in Bali

River in Bali, other than as a source of irrigation rice field, is also a good place to tour Rafting In Bali or better known as rafting. Natural rivers are still having with the current challenges create or rafting white water Rafting In Bali became one of the favorite choice of tourists who were vacationing in Bali.

There are two rivers that become a major place of adventure activities, among others: Ayung River located in the Village Evening, Sangeh, Badung with two levels of difficulty levels, as well as Telagawaja River in the village of Karangasem Muncan to severity level 3-4. For the first time this adventure activities, Ayung river is a good place to try. While for the more adventurous who want to feel powerful again, Telagawaja River is the right choice.

Ayung river

You who like a challenge and want to test your guts? This is one adventure that challenges us to test the exercise balls while rafting, better known as White Water Rafting. In this sport of water rafting, we are required cohesiveness and cooperation among the team. Therefore rafting sport is often used as an option in the event out-bound.

Ayung River offers rafting / rafting on the Ayung River in Bali that tracks which are located west of the village of Ubud. Starting point in the evening begins, about an hours drive from Denpasar.

We will trace the Ayung River has been famous as the place in Bali rafting with rubber boats (raft) with a capacity maximum of five people who are guided by the guide along the 11 km billigual takes approximately two hours. Character Ayung river is very good for sport rafting while enjoying the atmosphere of rice field, tropical forests and the village atmosphere that is still beautiful.

Before starting the rafting you will be required to register by writing the name and address. This is for insurance purposes in case of accident on the tracks. Luggage items such as a change of clothes and others can be put at reception and can be taken again at the finish point. If you want to bring a camera, wallet and handphone can we store them in waterproof bags in the raft.

Prepare further by wearing life jacket, helmet, and paddle that we have prepared. Choose the right size let me feel comfortable. After that we dropped down to the river via the stairs.

Security and comfort in this adventure is important to complement the good rafting equipment helmets, jackets, boat, raft and other equipment of international standard. Before the rafting begins will be given guidance by the instructors who are experienced. How do I hold the paddle, how to paddle and others.

Throughout this Ayung river we will pass several large hotel located in the Ubud area. Over the cliff high cliffs, large trees and creepers, and of course the waterfalls are a central point of this trip.

After rafting we will be tired to enjoy a break over lunch at a restaurant that has been specifically provided to the participants rafting. Adventure rafting is suitable for 8-65 years.

Telagawaja river

Telaga Waja Rafting is the most challenging rafting site in Bali. Telaga Waja River Muncan located in the village, Karangasem, which can be achieved in approximately 1.5 hours drive.

Compared Ayung River, Telaga Waja has a challenge that is very challenging and very exciting.

Telaga Waja River flows clear with a fairly heavy flow. This place is so interesting because the location is combined with patches of green fields and hills that shelter. Those are some reasons why the Telaga Waja was selected as one of the trajectory start point for rafting (rafting) that is very popular in Bali.

Flowing water with some riffles and boulders as obstacles to be the ideal choice for the adventurer to adrenaline as well as test nyali.Telaga waja has rapids with a height of nearly five meters, but very safe.
We'll pick you up at 8 am with a car that we provide. Travel to the village Muncan takes approximately 1.5 hours while looking at the scenery along the way through it with natural beauty, or social activities the people of Bali is a fantastic and unique.

Having reached the hamlet Langsat, Rendang, Karangasem, we will invite you make preparations with various safety devices to international standards such as helmet and life jacket while enjoying coffee and hot tea which has been prepared.

After approximately 15 minutes then we will drop down the hill as high as approximately 100 meters to the starting point of rafting boatnya. Then choose a boat and given a few instructions during the five minutes from the instructor

And at the start Telaga Waja rafting adventure tours. Throughout the rafting which takes two hours more we can see a spring, the swift-flowing rivers with rapids riamnya, natural beauty of the countryside by terracing rice fields with Subak(bali water system), the cliffs, and some beautiful waterfalls along the river ford 16 sekan kilometers passed quickly away.

When he arrived at the finish point we will invite you to take a bath with shower and towels provided followed by lunch overlooking rice fields and river lake waja for 1 hour then back we invite you back to the hotel.

So we invite your adrenaline rushing as well as test your guts in Telaga waja river for rafting.