Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tanah Lot In Bali

Tanah Lot In Bali. Here are two temples are situated on a large rock. One is located on top of a boulder and was located on top of a cliff similar to the Uluwatu Temple. Tanah Lot temple is part of Dang Goda. Pura Tanah Lot sea temple is a place of worship the gods of the sea guards.


According to legend, this temple was built by a Brahmin who wander from Java. He is a successful Nirartha strengthens the belief of the Balinese Hindu's teaching and building a Sad Goda is on the 16th century. At that time the ruler of Tanah Lot, Bendesa Beraben, jealous of him because his followers began to leave and follow Nirartha. Bendesa Beraben Nirartha ordered to leave the Tanah Lot In Bali. She undertakes, and before he left the Tanah Lot with its power to move the boulder to the center of the beach (not into the sea) and built temples there. He also changed the shawl into a snake temple guards. This snake is still there today and scientifically snakes including sea snakes that have a characteristic flat tail like a fish, striped black and yellow and has three times more powerful toxins from cobra snake. End of Bendesa Beraban legend has it that 'finally' a follower Nirartha.

Location Tanah Lot

Lot tourism object is located in the village land Beraban Kediri Tabanan District, about 13 km west of Tabanan. Pura Tanah Lot on the north side there is a temple located on top of the cliff that jutted into the sea. This cliff temple connect with the land and shaped like a bridge (arch). Tanah Lot, famous as a beautiful place to watch the sunset, tourists usually crowded in the afternoon to see the beauty of the sunset here.


From the parking lot to the temple area met many art shops and food stalls or just a tavern. Also available is a clean toilet that the rent is cheap enough for even domestic tourists pockets.

Temple ceremony or feast day in this temple is celebrated every 210 days, the same as pretending to be another. The fall close to the celebration of Galungan and Kuningan is precisely on Holy Days cemeng Langkir Buda. At that time, people who pray will pray at Temple is crowded.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ubud Indonesia

Ubud is known as the location of foreign tourists is located between the fields and

forests located between the cliff of the mountain that makes nature so beautiful. In

addition Ubud is known for arts and culture that develops very rapidly and move

forward. Ubud Indonesia pulse of community life can not be separated from the arts.


Here there are also many art galleries, and arenas of music and dance performances are held

alternately every night in all corners of the village.

Already since the 1930s, Ubud indonesia popular among western tourists. At that time the German

painter, Walter Spies and Dutch painter, Rudolf Bonnet settled there. They were

assisted by Cokorda Gede Agung Sukawati, from the Puri Agung Ubud. Now their work can

be seen at the Museum Puri Ubud Painting.

Tourist area

Ubud indonesia has a very diverse area of tourism, from tourist to tourist wana spread in Ubud

area, include the following:

Museums and Rudana Rudana Fine Art Gallery

Museum Rudana an art museum which is located in Ubud Bali-Indonesia founded by Nyoman Rudana,a collector of paintings which also sits as a member of the Regional Representatives

Council (DPD), representing the province of Bali in 2009 and 2004 period was

inaugurated by President Soeharto on December 26, 1995. The museum holds more than

400 paintings and sculpture works by artists, both from Bali, Indonesia outside Bali,

artists and foreign artists that make Bali as a place to work. Being in a complex,

stand Rudana Fine Art Gallery, founded in 1978 and was the forerunner to the

establishment of the Museum Rudana.

Museum Puri Paintings

Is a first art museum, which is managed by the private sector, in Bali. Initiated by

Cokorda Gede Agung Sukawati, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad as well as foreign artists who

settled in Ubud, Rudolf Bonnet. Standing on January 31, 1956 under the auspices of

the Foundation Ratna Warta, and officially opened by Minister of Education and

Culture, Muhammad Yamin.

In this museum you can enjoy art development in Ubud Indonesia, either painting or sculpture.

Some works of foreign artists who work in Ubud such as: Rudolf Bonnet, Walter Spies,

Arie Smit and the local maestros like I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, I Gusti Made Deblog, Ida

Bagus Made and others. This also includes works of art during the Pita Maha.

Puri Agung Ubud

Puri Agung Ubud is located right in the heart of Ubud. Ubud Kingdom central

government in the past, as well as a center for arts and culture and traditional

activities, held in right in front of the castle. Ubud Indonesia is still has a layout and

buildings maintained as the original. On the front page, after the gate, there is an

area called the shelf Saji. Here are held once a week performing arts of dance, for

tourists. And every day, carried out the exercise of gamelan music from various arts

groups existing in Ubud Bali. All activities are more and thicken the atmosphere of Ubud

art as an art-minded village.

Monkey Forest

Monkey Forest is a forest area located in Ubud area, precisely into the traditional

rural areas Padangtegal. In this forest there is a flock of hundreds of monkeys, who

have inhabited this region for hundreds of years. In this area there are also

Padangtegal Pura Dalem, which was founded in the early 20th century. MPura has the

architecture and ornaments of ancient and highly artistic.


In the western area of Ubud, there Ayung river. In this river many tourist

activities, among which is the white water rafting and kayaking. There are several

tourist services that offer this service. In addition to tourist, along the cliffs
Ayung river also has an enchanting natural scenery, and there are dozens of hotels.

Bali Uluwatu

 Bali Uluwatu temple is one of the temples in Bali with the location is very beautiful. The main attraction for tourists from this temple is a view of the spectacular. Located in the northwest, such temple is perched on the tip of a very high rock cliffs and steep, with views of the sea under clear blue color and blow-wave which produces froth of white foam which is very beautiful.

 Uluwatu temple

According to history, a Hindu priest from Java named professor Kuturan is the man who first built the temple in this place. Then forwarded by colleagues who later also built the temple of Tanah Lot is also famous for its sunset, which is very beautiful.

Uluwatu is the name of the temple's original name. Ulu said means head or tip, while watu means stone. Therefore, what is meant Uluwatu temple is built on a rock edge. Bali Uluwatu Temple is accessible by car, but the heart - my heart because even though it was paved, steep road. In addition to the right and left buildings in the complex of bali Uluwatu, there are two stone troughs, which looks similar to the boat. When both are combined then the form is similar to the casket sarcophagus cultural outcomes of Megalithic tradition. Here lies the archaeological remains from the 16th century temple, arch or shortly winged. Archaeological remains winged arch is very rare, rare find.

To be able to enter into this temple visitors must wear a sarong and a sash that can be rented that place. The best time to visit is late afternoon Uluwatu temple at sunset so they can witness the spectacular scenery.

around the temple complex there are a bunch of monkeys. The monkeys are usually likes bothered to take all kinds of things that brought visitors. Goods that have been the target they are sunglasses, bags, whatever dompetatau easily captured. So be careful with them whenever they are visiting Bali Uluwatu temple complex.

Garuda Wisnu Bali

The statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) or Garuda Wisnu Bali is located on Jimbaran hill ungasan naughty. approximately 40km south of Denpasar. This cultural park in the area stands a giant statue of the god Vishnu (the god guardian) who was riding an eagle.

This statue is the work of renowned sculptor nyoman nuarta.Area first Bali GWK Cultural Park located at an altitude of 146 meters above the ground surface or 263 feet above sea surface.

People can be seen in the story of Garuda Garuda & his Kingdom which tells about an act of devotion and sacrifice of the Garuda bird to save his mother from slavery that eventually Wisnu.

Statue garuda wisnu protected by the god is made from a mixture of copper and steel weighing 4,000 tons, with a high sekitar146 meters wide and 66 meters very tall and big. This statue has not been completed and if completed it will be the largest statue in the world and defeat the statue Lyberty.

Tirta Empul

Tirta Empul site is one of history is still frequented by tourists. The second
temple is one of the leading tourist objects Gianyar, Bali.Located approximately 40
km north of Denpasar, requiring approximately 1 hour drive from the International

Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali. Located in the district of Gianyar Tampaksiring that have

natural beauty and coolness.

Tirta empul

History of Tirta empul

According to the legend of the society during the reign of Bali said Mayadenawa who

ruled Bali, Mayadenawa ruled by an arbitrary action. This resulted in the gods became

angry and decided to destroy Mayadenawa. Indra Bhatara Mayadenawa sent to fight the

power. At the time of the battle many of the troops who have been killed Mayadenawa

Mayadenawa finally escape. On the way to escape from the pursuit of Lord Indra,

Mayadenawa walk in a way tilt legs to land that does not vibrate and in stampede

Bhatara known by Indra. From this story in place Mayadenawa tilt legs stood a village

called Tampaksiring. Therefore Mayadenawa effort and the troops of Lord Indra face

overwhelmed eventually he made the water toxic. Water that is drunk by the soldiers,

soldiers of Lord Indra who made a limp all of Lord Indra. And finally take a flag of

Lord Indra yellow and drove it to the ground,steaming clear water out so the place is

named Tirta Empul.


According to the Hindu community in Bali, Tirta or purified water can provide relief,

and clean all the dirt both outer and inner dirt, or by the people of Bali called

pengleburan in scale and timeless. Tirta Empul is also one of the main tirta used in

every religious existence of Hindu ceremonies in Bali.


Tirta empul Located at the curb Tampaksiring-Bangli, transportation access is very easy to reach.

west of this Tirta Empul  , President Sukarno established a presidential palace

called the Palace of the President Tampaksiring.

Rafting in Bali

River in Bali, other than as a source of irrigation rice field, is also a good place to tour Rafting In Bali or better known as rafting. Natural rivers are still having with the current challenges create or rafting white water Rafting In Bali became one of the favorite choice of tourists who were vacationing in Bali.

There are two rivers that become a major place of adventure activities, among others: Ayung River located in the Village Evening, Sangeh, Badung with two levels of difficulty levels, as well as Telagawaja River in the village of Karangasem Muncan to severity level 3-4. For the first time this adventure activities, Ayung river is a good place to try. While for the more adventurous who want to feel powerful again, Telagawaja River is the right choice.

Ayung river

You who like a challenge and want to test your guts? This is one adventure that challenges us to test the exercise balls while rafting, better known as White Water Rafting. In this sport of water rafting, we are required cohesiveness and cooperation among the team. Therefore rafting sport is often used as an option in the event out-bound.

Ayung River offers rafting / rafting on the Ayung River in Bali that tracks which are located west of the village of Ubud. Starting point in the evening begins, about an hours drive from Denpasar.

We will trace the Ayung River has been famous as the place in Bali rafting with rubber boats (raft) with a capacity maximum of five people who are guided by the guide along the 11 km billigual takes approximately two hours. Character Ayung river is very good for sport rafting while enjoying the atmosphere of rice field, tropical forests and the village atmosphere that is still beautiful.

Before starting the rafting you will be required to register by writing the name and address. This is for insurance purposes in case of accident on the tracks. Luggage items such as a change of clothes and others can be put at reception and can be taken again at the finish point. If you want to bring a camera, wallet and handphone can we store them in waterproof bags in the raft.

Prepare further by wearing life jacket, helmet, and paddle that we have prepared. Choose the right size let me feel comfortable. After that we dropped down to the river via the stairs.

Security and comfort in this adventure is important to complement the good rafting equipment helmets, jackets, boat, raft and other equipment of international standard. Before the rafting begins will be given guidance by the instructors who are experienced. How do I hold the paddle, how to paddle and others.

Throughout this Ayung river we will pass several large hotel located in the Ubud area. Over the cliff high cliffs, large trees and creepers, and of course the waterfalls are a central point of this trip.

After rafting we will be tired to enjoy a break over lunch at a restaurant that has been specifically provided to the participants rafting. Adventure rafting is suitable for 8-65 years.

Telagawaja river

Telaga Waja Rafting is the most challenging rafting site in Bali. Telaga Waja River Muncan located in the village, Karangasem, which can be achieved in approximately 1.5 hours drive.

Compared Ayung River, Telaga Waja has a challenge that is very challenging and very exciting.

Telaga Waja River flows clear with a fairly heavy flow. This place is so interesting because the location is combined with patches of green fields and hills that shelter. Those are some reasons why the Telaga Waja was selected as one of the trajectory start point for rafting (rafting) that is very popular in Bali.

Flowing water with some riffles and boulders as obstacles to be the ideal choice for the adventurer to adrenaline as well as test nyali.Telaga waja has rapids with a height of nearly five meters, but very safe.
We'll pick you up at 8 am with a car that we provide. Travel to the village Muncan takes approximately 1.5 hours while looking at the scenery along the way through it with natural beauty, or social activities the people of Bali is a fantastic and unique.

Having reached the hamlet Langsat, Rendang, Karangasem, we will invite you make preparations with various safety devices to international standards such as helmet and life jacket while enjoying coffee and hot tea which has been prepared.

After approximately 15 minutes then we will drop down the hill as high as approximately 100 meters to the starting point of rafting boatnya. Then choose a boat and given a few instructions during the five minutes from the instructor

And at the start Telaga Waja rafting adventure tours. Throughout the rafting which takes two hours more we can see a spring, the swift-flowing rivers with rapids riamnya, natural beauty of the countryside by terracing rice fields with Subak(bali water system), the cliffs, and some beautiful waterfalls along the river ford 16 sekan kilometers passed quickly away.

When he arrived at the finish point we will invite you to take a bath with shower and towels provided followed by lunch overlooking rice fields and river lake waja for 1 hour then back we invite you back to the hotel.

So we invite your adrenaline rushing as well as test your guts in Telaga waja river for rafting.

Turtle Island In Bali

Turtle is one of the rare habitats protected by government. In Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua, Bali, Turtle Island In Bali are breeding habitat for sea turtles to avoid the extinction of turtles which are self financing managed by the community of Tanjung Benoa, Bali, which had previously received help from the WWF.

 turtle island

Package tours that we call Turtle Island in bali and Glass Bottom Boat is combined with a look at marine parks off the coast of Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua, Bali. When taking this tour package, can also enjoy the ornamental fish that live freely in the middle of the sea, feeding the bread, which we had previously provided. We invite tourists into the sea approximately 300-500 meters.

 Glass Bottom

We can enjoy the beautiful coral reefs and ornamental fish from the boat through the clear glass contained submarine under the boat while throwing sandwiches at least 15 minutes. Here we will realize, how beautiful the world under the sea if we preserve. Of course, coral reefs, corals, ornamental fish that live in Tanjung Benoa is prohibited was arrested and protected by the fishing communities, because fishermen in Tanjung Benoa no longer catch fish, but to serve tourists or tourist to see the fish.
Next we headed turtle breeding approximately 15 minutes from the place to see coral reefs and fish. From turtle island In a way we can enjoy views of Benoa Harbour in Bali with the ships that dock and see the airplane takeoff and landing at Bali's Ngurah Rai Airport. Arriving at the captive turtle tourists are welcome to see turtles and take a photo.

Local guides will explain the process of following the development of other animal turtle because apart from a captive hawksbill sea turtle eggs that are ready to egg, and some even 100 years old. In this place there are also some other animals like birds older brother, eagle, monkey, lizard, snake and others. Next trip back to the dock. This tour lasts approximately one hour which is very suitable for educational tours, because through this tour we will add knowledge about nature and our environment.

Dive Bali

Said Dive Bali was not familiar to us, because it's diving had become a lifestyle most nature lovers nature lovers especially underwater. Bali is one of the famous diving spot in the world, other than Bali waters can be dived in all seasons throughout the year, Bali's underwater biota truly captivating. Loss of taste if you are an Indonesian but never look directly below the natural beauty of the water we have.

Famous place in Bali dive like Tulamben, Padang Bai, Amed, Menjangan, Sanur and Tanjung Benoa Beach Other - Nusa Dua, Bali, one of the diving / the best dive in Bali.
For those of you who want to start learning to dive, Tanjung Benoa - Nusa Dua Bali is the place because we provide a submarine education from entry level to instructor level including the level of diving equipment such as clothing, masks, oxygen tanks and other.

Our instructors will be happy to give diving techniques from beginner to advanced. You do not have to worry as long as you dive directly monitored by our instructors who are ready to guide you.

Snorkeling In Bali

If you are on vacation to Bali and would like to see the underwater environment, we need not have the expertise to dive. We can enjoy nature's fascinating underwater Snorkeling In Bali.

Snorkeling What actually is this? Snorkeling in bali none other than swimming in the water surface with an equipped goggles (diving mask) that there is a snorkel or a kind of funnel to breathe, and maybe the frog legs (swimfin). Sometimes the need to wear a wetsuit (a kind of tight rubber suit) to keep the body warm and avoid the sting of the jellyfish.
To be snorkeling, surely we should be able to swim, or at least able to float on the water. But if we do not know how to swim but want to enjoy the beauty beneath the sea with snorkel, we could wear a vest in the form of a jacket / vest.
Snorkeling itself, more recreation, especially in the areas of sea that has beauty beneath the sea, including the Beach Tanjung Benoa - Bali, offers to its visitors for snorkeling.

Before the snorkeling in bali, for those who've never done that, we must learn first, especially for breathing techniques. Since we had to breathe through the mouth. Obviously we will be taught how to snorkel by the guide.

Bali Parasailing

Bali Parasailing is a game where you will be wearing a parachute and the parachute is pulled by speed boat on beach. You will be above an altitude of about 90 meters so it can freely view the activities of the beach.

Have you ever imagined could fly like a bird while enjoying the view from a height without having to fly or have the experiience.

On the beach of Tanjung Benoa, Bali's famous sea water as a recreation center there is parasailing game that is customized with an umbrella the size of heavy players pulled by speed boat parasailing. Players will be flying and parasailing can enjoy the beach like a bird worthy of south Bali. Speed boat will pull the umbrella bali parasailing in Tanjung Benoa beach.

About the safety of this game does not need to worry anymore. In addition to the standard equipment that already has determined, prior guidance will be given guidance and what must be done before and after being in the air and then landing techniques. Landing technique is very easy to do that is to stay attractive red or blue line dance instructor guidance through lound speakers.

The tourists who want to enjoy this game does not necessarily have experience as a paratrooper. Layperson would be able to do this game bali parasailing. Suitable for ages 7 years - 65 years. Children who follow this game will be led by guides who already have experience of bali parasailing are ready to go flying.

You can be like a bird, although no wings, circling overhead sky Tanjung Benoa Bali Beach while enjoying the scenery around the hotel, and Benoa seaports could see the island of Nusa Penida is located across from the beach of Tanjung Benoa.

Bali Parasailing game duration: one time round in Tanjung Benoa Bali Beach

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Jetski Bali

Jetski Bali is like driving a motorcycle, but at sea, you are akin accompanied by an instructor who will take you out to sea, but you’ll drive myself when there are not many other Watersport activities at the time was passing by at the shore, is intended to avoid accidents.If you want to feel this sensation try to drive a jetski in bali that there would lunge waves that pleasure will never be forgotten.

Games jetski use in vehicles such as bicycles motor.Beach holiday to Bali tourists who want to enjoy this game while eliminating fatigue after working in the place of origin. Jetski bali really fun to play like a cross bike. Before you start this game guide will provide guidance about how to operate jetski itself follows the techniques of safe driving.

If it does not yet have the experience, the guide will be happy to provide a guide and accompany the play jeski in tanjung benoa bali. Safety and comfort is something that must be used because of equipment adapted to international standards such as Sky's own jet motor, live jackets.

Jetski Playing on the Beach Tanjung Benoa - Bali, is not permitted to drive alone, must be accompanied by an instructor considering at Tanjung Benoa Beach is a water sports recreation center in Bali is very dense traffic. That's for the sake of convenience and security are our top priority
game duration jetski bali : 15 minutes with an instructor

Bali Flying Fish

This game Bali Flying Fish relatively new game in Bali. A rubber boat that looks like a fish that can be carrying two men pulled by speed boat fighting the wind.

With a speed boat speed and wind assistance and the form of a flying fish itself makes this fish like boat can fly up and down above the sea level approximately 1-2 feet even more, depending on wind speeds. The players are behind a rubber boat that has been equipped with safety equipment will enjoy this game.

Bali Flying Fish max played by three persons, namely two passengers left and a right hand man in the middle of the instructor. Your position can stand as riding a motorcycle or sleep on her back.

Flying fish boat will be pulled by a speed boat tour in Tanjung Benoa Beach, Bali during the second time round. For those who like a challenge and want to test your nerve, the game is worth a try.

Dreamland Bali

Dreamland Bali in Pecatu Village, Badung Regency, located in the southern island of Bali. You can reach this beach is about 30 minutes from Kuta Beach at Jimbaran. The beach is still beautiful and natural is located at the southern tip of South Badung. You'll find this beach on the way to the famous temple in Bali, Uluwatu temple.
You may wonder why this beach called Dreamland? Other beaches in Bali using local names, while the beach this one uses the English language that is Dreamland, which means land of dreams.

Turns out there origins. It is said that this beach called Dreamland bali that in areas Pecatu could be built one of the regions largest and most unique tourism center in Southeast Asia. In addition, there will also be built superluks resort combined with the area of tourism that highlight the beauty and originality of nature and environmental conservation. Previously this area was barren and arid regions.

At the time of monetary crisis in 1998, the mega project was abandoned. However, because the locals really hope that this project is completed, with the hope that they can switch from agriculture to tourism businesses, so they named this place the land of dreams in English called Dreamland. Since then, this area called Dreamland.

The Beauty of Dreamland Beach

When you enter Dreamland Beach tourist area, your eyes will be enchanted by the beauty of this beach. Bertebing hilly areas and make you look as if the lower beach area on the sea. Dreamland is a beach surrounded by cliffs towering and large rocks.

As you descended the rocks and the steps to the beach, you will be dazzled with stunning rock cliffs on which there is a green pasture that is high enough. Many foreign and local tourists who like to enjoy in the meadow area.

Dreamland Beach areas are also very appealing to eyes. You will be captivated by the expanse of a clean whitish brown sand with a steep gully. You can enjoy the beauty of a sunset or sunset on the narrow coastal area directly beneath the steep rock walls.

Dreamland Sea region also has high and big waves. Therefore, a lot of good surfers surf at this beach. Dreamland is also one surfing destination in Bali.

Facilities at Dreamland Bali

Dreamland can rent umbrellas provided along the coast to avoid the hot sun. If you want to swim but do not bring a change of clothes you can buy in the tourist area of Dreamland. Once down the stairs, a line of clothing merchants will offer you their merchandise. It is also available a few shops selling food and drinks.

In addition, the public toilet facilities are also available here if you want to change clothes or shower. But the pricing is quite expensive even for just urinate in this area.

If you want to stay, at the Dreamland area are dozens of resorts and villas that stood as supporters of tourism that continues enjoy at Dreamland Beach. Some resorts and villas standing on the cliff so you can enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery from the top of the cliff.

According to tour guide there, Dreamland  bali is the only place in Bali that using international law. So the rules that apply on this beach is more free. Visitors can consume alcohol or be bare-chested women on this beach without sanctions.

Brown sand clean whitish bright, beautiful high cliffs, blue sea water as well, making many travelers to come to the beach that never was sponsored by Tommy Suharto. Although not as famous Kuta Beach, Dreamland or "dream land" is expected to create more and more tourists come to this beach. Various tourism facilities became available in this region, from the villa, resort, shopping, mall, to golf courses. Yes, Dreamland Beach because of their uniqueness adds another lovely beach tourism area in Bali.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sanur Beach Bali

Sanur Beach Bali is located not far from Denpasar town is about 4km east of Denpasar Beach is famous for its clean white beaches and gentle. In addition, Sanur beach is a beach waves were calm so perfect for holiday.morning while waiting for the beautiful sunrise, we can enjoy the island obvious attack from the beach. Scorching sun during the day so perfect for those of you who want to sunbathe along the beach.

Usually sea water at low tide sanur beach in the afternoon so that many visitors found using this moment to up the canoe or just take a bath with the family. Night this beach is also just still very crowded, especially by young children who enjoy the beach while enjoying a cold or drink cofee, roasted corn, you could say Sanur beach is a beach which is always busy all morning until night.

Sanur is the original Bali seaside resort that has developed naturally over the years due to its physical and cultural characteristics and beauty. Located just 25 minutes from the international airport ngurah rai, 15 minutes from the Kuta area, and with excellent by pass access to the rest of the island Sanur is a very well positioned venue. The locals of Sanur have been interested in  Balinese spirituality and magic for generations and as with the rest of east Bali are particularly friendly, welcoming and accommodating.
With this said it is surprising how un-crowded and peaceful Sanur is, there are many activities to try on the beach as well as beach resorts and bars and restaurants but this is all spread along a long coastline creating a secluded feel where the action goes unnoticed to the sunbathers and loungers upon unspoiled beaches that maintain the traditional Balinese feel.

Other activities in Sanur are include sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, canoeing and cycling although the most popular activity by far is relaxing in the amazing beach resort’s beach access, pools and at cafes and on the sun loungers and sands. Accommodation in Sanur is of a mid to high range standard offering many dazzling beach resorts, international hotels and villas.
There are some budget places but not in the abundance of Kuta, for budget accommodation look slightly outside Sanur in neighboring towns. This is due to Sanur being more of a family or couples holiday area, there are no big clubs and loud youths in Sanur, instead there are more classy relaxed bars and pub style bars that can be hard to find in Bali, food and drink is generally very good here and prices are not at all extortionate.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Banana Boat Bali

Become an exciting experience and will not easily be forgotten if joining this game, that is Banana Boat Bali. Rubber boats shaped like bananas can be more or less carrying five people pulled by speed boat makes this game such as horseback riding.

Banana boat passengers will enjoy the waves of the sea water that makes the game more exciting. Comfort and security of this game has become imperative to be equipped international-standard equipment such as banana boat itself, live jackets and other equipment. Guides are always ready to accompany for the convenience of tourists.

During the game, passengers will be pulled by a speed boat around the coast of Tanjung Benoa, Bali, while enjoying the beach and the surrounding landscape as Benoa Sea with his ships were anchored following the fishing boats that are loading and unloading. Nusa Penida Island will be visible from a distance.

Once satisfied about 15 minutes, passengers will depart and return to the place she called when passengers are ready wet dripping with sea water, the instructor would turn the banana boat as an additional attraction. However, if travelers who do not want wet, also can ask the instructor for banana boat at the end of the game should not be reversed.
Game duration : 15 minute

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tulamben Bali

Tulamben Bali is a village located on the northeast coast of the island of Bali, overlooking the Lombok Strait is very rich in food for marine life. Even a few divers have met with Fish Mole Mole, hammerhead sharks and whale sharks in the waters of Tulamben bali. This is what makes the village of Tulamben bali become one of the best diving places in the world in terms of diversity of marine life. Equipped with a dead ship USS Liberty, which sank in 1963 due to the earthquake and the eruption of Mount Agung, are very easily accessible by divers Tulamben Beach makes one dive destination.

Tulamben Diving

Tulamben has been very popular among domestic and foreign divers. What makes Tulamben so famous? None other than the convenience and wealth of marine life offered by this dive site. Coupled with the carcass ship USS Liberty that was easily accessible and presents a variety of underwater creatures ranging from small, such as sea snails, crabs and shrimp, ghost pipefish and pygmy seahorses to such a large sharker, mola mola, and others. Tulamben bali offers dive sites suitable for diving courses, diving casual (fun diving) and underwater photography.

Here are some dive sites in Tulamben:

The wreck of the USS Liberty

Renowned as one of the wreck dive site in the most easily accessible in the world. Access from the beach and the USS Liberty is only 30 meters from the beach with a maximum depth of about 30 meters. Diving begins with the greeting surgeonfish very tame and not infrequently in the middle of a bunch of dives found bumphead parrotfish, barracuda and a great variety of sea snails whose color is very beautiful.

Tulamben Wall (Drop Off)

At first Tulamben Wall or known as the Drop Off only be an alternative for the second dive operators to dive after the USS Liberty. But in its development was Tulamben Wall has special characteristics that are not less interesting than the USS Liberty. Wall, which is basically at a depth of about 60-70 meters into the test arena for technical divers and underwater animals such large reef sharks and hammerhead sharks or never seen by many divers at these depths. At the top, colorful coral reefs to be an interesting mix with fish and sea creatures, colorful, too. In addition to the beautiful underwater scenery, Drop Off also offers a variety of findings that kind of macro objects is very diverse.

Paradise Reef

Dive usually begins on the north side of the resort in Paradise, at a depth of 3-4 meters of artificial reefs will be found in the skeleton-shaped aircraft. Some call it the airplane dive guide Wreck. Here is often found in a variety of sea snails, shells, and various kinds of crabs and shrimps.
An ideal place for the night because of shallow dives and night life under water is quite diverse. Diving to the south will take you to places where clusters of coral reefs both hardware and software in good health and with a variety of colorful reef fish species that are not less beautiful. If you want to see Ribbon Eel, here's where the most suitable place to search.

Sun Reef

Right in front of the Sun Tulamben Resort, apparently in every cluster of small reefs (patch) is always found in a wide range of rare creatures. A good place to practice underwater photography. Safety stop in shallow areas is an interesting place to see the beauty and colorful coral reefs and various kinds of fish that are suitable for use as an object of wide angle photos.


Paradise for underwater macro photographers. Of Harlequin shrimp and sea horses is part of the everyday objects photo. In addition, lots of macros that are rare objects which are found here such as various types of sea snails and mimic octopus and various crabs and shrimp are beautiful and rare. Accessible from Tulamben bali with djoekoeng (traditional fishing boats) or by the land route approximately five minutes south.


Approximately 15 minutes drive to the north shore of Tulamben, turn to the right, you will find quite interesting dive sites. Quite healthy coral reefs and many species of fish encountered. In the year 2003, had found about 80-10 pygmy seahorses live in a seafood fan.

source: matahari tulamben resort

Bali Nusa Dua

Bali Nusa Dua   is the most exclusive places. Called exclusive because in this area there is all that is needed by a tourist place, such as beach complete with water sports, a restaurant with a full and varied menu and did not miss a place to stay or a very comfortable hotel.

Special to the beach, visitors can enjoy the best paronama in Nusa Dua with a walk on the beach that become a part of this area. Nusa Dua Beach along approximately 5 km, and is the backyard of a world-class hotels like the Melia Bali Villas Spa Resort, Inna Putri Bali, Novotel Nusa Dua, etc..

Along this beach, visitors can watch two at once is a very beautiful scenery. One side is an offshore scenery and beautiful sea line, one side view of majestic hotels that were lined up along the coast. To be able to stay there misconstrued area one hotel, at least spend more budget to make it happen.

There along the beach by the manager has built such a small road for pedestrians to pass. This is to facilitate the visitors to the beach along the coast. But it seems that visitors are not as freely as desired, because some of the hotel guests do not like those who hang around outside the hotel beach area around them.

Nusa Dua beach location:

Nusa Dua Beach is located 27km south of the city of Denpasar and about 5km from the Ngurah Rai International Airport, this beach is adjacent to the coast of Tanjung Benoa.

Nusa Dua beach history:

This beach has two separate reefs. Bali old times folklore says that this beach is a beach of nusa dua exiles to make mistakes in their community. So as punishment, to dispose of them at this beach and the beach is very barren of yore. They just eat from what they can at this beach. And then there were two knights who was also on the law at this beach.

The two knights are fighting in this beach to seize power. But before the fight they put their pole on the beach. After they fight, they apparently have the same ability great. Until finally they decided to divide power. Separator territory that is those who load the goods they place on the beach before the fight. That was the beginning of the story from the Bali  Nusa Dua.

Candidasa Bali

Candidasa Bali is a major destination of tourists who come to the Karangasem, lies in the region Bugbug, Karangasem district. Candidasa beach as a replica of the famous Kuta beach because of the same - each has a white sand. It is suitable for water sports like swimming, diving and snorkeling.

The story of one of this tourist attraction is the following.

Candidasa is one of the tourist area which was developed starting in 1983. At first, the name Candidasa is the name of a temple, the Pura Candidasa, which on the small hill and was built in the 12th century AD It has the potential of natural and stunning beaches with white sand.

White sandy beach is actually named the Gulf of the will, but in its development as an object of the enactment of these beaches and attractions, the Gulf coast of the will to change its name to Candidasa tourism area in accordance with the name of the existing temples in the area.
Candidasa is situated in the hamlet Samuh, Bugbug village, Karangasem district, located 12 km from City Amlapura and about 60 km from the city of Denpasar. The enchantment of nature that was developed as a marine tourism object can be an option to perform various activities, such as Sun Bathing, canoing, snorekling, fishing, trekking through the hills, and that is not less interesting is the existence of small islands which can be reached by boat fishermen distance ( djoekoeng). small islands are saving potential in the form of panoramic underwater coral and ornamental fish.

One story is a myth about the existence of a growing Candidasa temple and is believed by local people is Hariti Goddess statue located in a niche at the bottom of the cliff of the hill. It is said that Goddess Hariti narrated in the beginning was a Yaksha in Buddhism, who liked to eat the flesh of children. However, after the enlightened teachings of Buddhism, the Goddess and then repent and turn to protective and loving children.

Goddess statue is inscribed with the next Hariti 10 people over her children, as features of the protective, loving, and also as a symbol of fertility and prosperity. Local people believe that the Goddess Hariti means many mothers have children who can give gift of fertility and prosperity. Hence the place is much visited and utilized by the husband - the wife who has not been blessed with offspring to beg for prayers by bringing offerings dedicated to the Goddess Hariti.